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last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago
Cistrome Meeting Schedule
8:30am Breakfast and Setup
9:00am Opening Remarks
9:10am ChIP-chip Protocol Panel Discussion (technical details and QC issues at each step)
- Moderator: Jay Carroll in Brown Lab
- Alex Brodsky
- Annie Yang in Struhl lab
- Keith Orford in Scadden Lab
- Technical representative from Affymetrix (Victor Sementchenko), NimbleGen (Xinmin Zhang) and Agilent (Heather Plasterer)
10:50am Coffee Break
11:20am Sample processing and data analysis:
12:15pm Lunch Break
12:45pm Sponsor Presentations (data quality, reproducibility, cost, etc)
1:45pm ChIP-chip discoveries on different platforms
- Steven Vokes in McMahon Lab (Agilent): Genomic characterization of Gli transcriptional targets in a sonic hedgehog-mediated neural patterning response
- Qianben Wang in Brown Lab (Affymetrix): Non-Canonical responsive elements and multiple collaborating transcription factors are required for androgen-dependent transcription
- Art Alekseyenko in Kuroda Lab (NimbleGen): High resolution ChIP-chip analysis reveals that the Drosophila MSL complex selectively identifies active genes on the male X chromosome.
3:00pm Coffee Break
3:30pm Discussions
- Alternative analysis algorithms
- Cistrome wish list, Shirley Liu
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