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on June 5, 2007 at 6:20:14 pm

The Second Cistrome Meeting


With the commercial availability of genome tiling microarrays, many researchers have dabbled in conducting ChIP-chip to study the genome-wide interaction between trans-factors and cis-elements. However, the ChIP-chip technique is tricky to master, and its downstream analysis is challenging. For the second Cistrome meeting, we will have a preconference workshop to trouble-shoot technical aspects of ChIP-chip, and the main conference to exchange scientific insights and experiences in our ChIP-chip applications.


Preconference ChIP-chip technique workshop: targeted to postdocs and graduate students doing ChIP-chip experiments)

  • Time: 8:45am-12:15pm, Thur 5/31/07
  • Location: Jimmy Fund Auditorium, Dana-Farber Cancer Insitute, 44 Binney St, Boston MA 02115.



  • Time: 1:30pm-5:05pm, Thur 5/31/07; 8:45am-5:05pm, Fri 6/1/07
  • Location: Jimmy Fund Auditorium, Dana-Farber Cancer Insitute, 44 Binney St, Boston MA 02115.



Attendee registration


Temporary Program




The First Cistrome Meeting


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